Genealogy in fiction: What to read?

Black silhouette of open book. Vector illustration.I recently learned of a series of books that feature a forensic genealogist solving family history mysteries. How could I not snatch up the first in the series and read it?

That’s what I did last week with Hiding the Past by Nathan Dylan Goodwin. It was a fun read, to be sure. It does require one to suspend disbelief on some of the less plausible scenarios, but I was quickly taken with the idea that a genealogist’s work can make for some fascinating stories. Of course, those of us who do family history already knew that.

HidingPastCoverI won’t provide any spoilers here, but this series is set in England … relatively present day. It’s fun to follow a character in a novel who logs into Ancestry and visits local archives. And as is to be expected, the answer to one question always leads to a brand new question. The main character gets into some pickles, and I question some of his methods … but it is fiction. I’ve read only the first book, but the series has eight. I bought the first three as a single volume in the kindle version for the pretty economical price of $9.99 and will read all three.

In the meantime, this has piqued my curiosity about other series or novels that might feature genealogists. The “recommendations” one gets online after reading a similar novel, plus a little googling, provide more information than I can sort through with any efficiency. Still, I will be looking through the online suggestions. If anyone has recommendations that will get me to a great novel sooner, though, please share them.

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5 Responses to Genealogy in fiction: What to read?

  1. Luanne says:

    I forgot I had read this one! I’ve read a couple of other series of genealogy mysteries. I marked a couple of the next in the series on Goodreads “to read”!

  2. Amy says:

    I read one genealogy mystery in the Jefferson Tayte series (In the Blood) and decided they weren’t my cup of tea. I am not generally a fan of mysteries, except the ones I find in my own genealogy research!

    • Laura says:

      Fair. 🙂 I’ve not heard of that series yet. I like mysteries, but I am fairly choosy about them. I agree that true genealogy research is full of them all by itself, though!

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